Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Somos Listos! (Monday, Jan 19th)

So you all must be sitting on pins and needles to hear the conclusion of the elections…

But first, can we say how jealous we are about the snow in NC! I guess that’s what we get for the earlier comment about how lovely the temperature is here :). Please save us some snow for when we get back!

The gossip we heard last night was mostly correct. The Arena Party won a majority of the elections, including for the Mayor position of San Salvador. While we wish we could share more, we can’t…because everybody else is asleep and yours truly cant remember a lot of the details! However, many people we have spoken with have said that while the results of the elections were not 100% ideal, it is very positive for the country, including American missionaries living here. AMEN!

While we were once again eager to get out into the field today, it was a needed day of preparation. The medical team (Dr. Mike, Jackie, Christina, Teri, Lisa, Adam and Donna) spent the day getting the meds ready for tomorrow, which included strategic planning, taking inventory and organizing for the Pharmacy. The soccer/vbs team (Pastor Jon, Charles, Michael W, Timmy and Nick) pumped up soccer balls and organized 100’s of soccer jerseys, shorts, and tennis shoes. Due to the fact we will be in a different area each day, we had to make sure there are sufficient items to give away in each place we visit. While all of this organizing was going on, it gave the Manly Men team (Mike K and Brian) time to fix part of the roof in Lorraine’s house. Mix in a few quick trips to some stores and all in all, it was a very productive day!

Jahaziel & Brenda came by again for fellowship and dinner. Dr. Tyner & Jackie gave a very inspiring devotion, teaching from Acts and talking about Barnabus. They challenged us to take a closer look at individuals and try to find ways to offer encouragement and find the best in people, as Barnabus shows with John Mark in Acts. (we forgot to tell you yesterday that Christina offered an awesome devotion on David!)
After dinner, Charles used his clown skills (insert easy joke here) to teach us how to make balloon animals for the children. Jahaziel & Brenda did the best job!

Tomorrow is going to be a great day…we will all rise at 6am and head to a boys orphanage! There are 135 boys, ages 8-18. From what Lorraine tells us, these boys are extremely in need of love and affection. As you can imagine, their hearts have been hardened a bit due to life circumstances. Please pray for these boys to not only be receptive, but that we will be able to speak into their lives by showing God’s love. There is also a girls prison right down the road where the women will be going at lunch time. God is getting ready to do some amazing things!

Well, off to bed…we have an early start!

Hasta Luego!


  1. give those boys a huge hug from all of us!

    I'll save a snowball in the freezer for each of us. then we can have a duel.


  2. I'll be praying for you all day - between snow walks. Tell Mike an Jackie I'm jazzed they did the devotional. I would love a replay. We are all so proud to support you and will continue to lift you up in prayer. Gloria a Dios!

  3. I continue to keep each of you in my prayers. God is doing amazing work through you all.
    I am excited to hear of your devotion Jackie & Michael and inspired by your faith. I love you guys! Shelly
