Friday, June 29, 2012

The Gen 1:9 Youth are about to embark on a mission to the Dominican Republic. They are working hard to finish raising the money needed to complete the trip. Two Teams are going.
Team One will be on Mission from Friday, July 20th through Friday, July 27th.
Team Two will be on Mission Saturday, July 28th through Saturday, August 4th.

The Youth will be working with local kids, serving the local pastors and churches, and doing a market outreach and VBS. If you'd like to support the team, you can do so here: DR Youth Missions

The pastors in the Dominican Republic are looking forward to working with our youth. They knew we'd be coming - check out what they said last year!


Please be in prayer for Hope Chapel Gen 1:9 Youth Mission and check for updates regularly.
‘In the last days, God says,
    I will pour out my Spirit on all people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy,
    your young men will see visions,
    your old men will dream dreams.'
Acts 2:17 NIV