Saturday, January 16, 2010

Suficiente es Tu Gracia!


(Your Grace is Enough by songwriter Chris Tomlin)

Great is our faithfulness oh God

You wrestle with the sinner’s heart

You lead us by waters into mercy

And nothing can keep us apart

The lyrics of this song bring back so many wonderful memories of this past week in El Salvador. Our team of ten (10) individuals are from a much different social-economic part of the world and we had much to reflect on as we prepare for our departure.
Our original sights on what we thought could accomplish were far-exceeded by what God's plans were.  In the end, we realized that what we had to offer cannot be measured by the many gallons of paint we put on the walls, nor the many boxes of hygienic and dental supplies we distributed, not even the many drinks and sandwiches.  One quickly realizes it not the material things that allows one to substain life (although they are greatly appreciate), but instead– it is grace that originates from God.  Charles gave us an image to keep in our mind:  that we were like the tip of an arrow and that this week we were fortunate to directly touch people lives-- a point that extends back to our families and friends back home and ultimately back to God.   We must remember that our ultimate calling is to spread God’s grace (His word). 

Great is our faithfulness oh God

You use the weak to lead the strong

You Lead us in the song of Your Salvation

And all your people sing along

Our Day 7 was another unique for the Hope Chapel Missions team in San Salvador.  Dr. Mike Tyner and I, along with Lori our translator, headed to the local Children’s hospital to perform surgery while the rest of the team went to San Marcos.

Driving through the street of San Salvador it brought back fond memories of my previous visits here. I had been in San Salvador last year with our Hope Chapel Missions trip … and then many years ago when we brought Michael our son home.  Unique this time was my visit to Bloom Hospital, a local public children’s hospital to witness a team of doctors perform surgery on a 10-year old child.  I was on a separate purpose to get an understanding of the I/T (information technology) infrastructure within the hospital and see how I could possibly help them out.  I was able to talk with the head of their I/T department only to find out how under-staffed and under-funded they were (not a unique problem), but there is only very limited use of technology to run a major hospital. Imagine trying to go through a typical hospital here in the US without interacting with someone behind a computer (Admissions, patient history, lab testing, patient monitoring).  There is none here in San Salvador --I now know much they could use that old monitor and old printer that’s collecting dust in my closet.  

The highlight of my afternoon was observing and interacting with the team of doctors that performed a 6-hour removal of spleen the size of Rhoad Island. I was able to stand just arm’s length away from the operating table and as much as I hate the sight of blood, I was fascinated by the delicate procedure. At the end, I came away with the feeling that these doctors and nurses are truly dedicated to improving the health of their patients. The Glory goes to God for gifting these talented individuals.

The other part of our team went to San Marcos, a small remote village about 2 hours outside San Salvador.  This remote village is a small coastal community with little modern conveniences.  Wabha led worship and afterwards there was a hygiene and dental care clinic.  Our team prayed over the village with special prayers for physical and spiritual healing.

So Remember Your People

Remember your Children

Remember your Promise, Oh God

So we conclude our mission visit to El Salvador...I much changed, transformed, and renewed.
I witnessed Greg (our resident chef/Caterer) share a missionary that could pray over men suffering from alcohol, Mike (a doctor) become a soccer/basketball player that was able to put his arms around and hug young delinquent boys,  Stacy, a mother, become a “sister” to young troubled girls and Sheila, a home-maker, became a singer and pianist of Christian Music…just to name a few.   We are all tired from this week's but so excited about the plans that God has for us.

We are so thankful to those who made this trip possible.  Our thanks first to God, and then to all of you who prayed and supported us.

Your Grace is Enough,    
Brian Wong

1 comment:

  1. Brian, It's simply amazing to hear what God did in and through each of you. To God be the glory for the things that He has done. Thank you for sharing your love of Christ with the people of El Salvador and for sharing your experiences with us.
