Monday, January 12, 2009

Prayer Requests and Tentative Schedule

Thank you so much for following our journey to El Salvador! We all feel as if the Lord has led us to serve and are very excited about the amazing things he will do! Jesus LOVED to serve and to share the great news of what it meant to truly have a relationship with God. In fact, this command was given to the Christian church through His apostles.

Then Jesus came to them and said,
"All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations,
baptizing them inthe name of the Father and of the Son and of the
Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have
commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very
end of the age."
Matthew 28:18-20

Please pray for the following people who have answered the call to serve, fullfiling this Great Commision; Charles Balan, Brian Wong, Donna Wong, Michael Wong, Timmy Wong, Mike Kelly, Lisa Kelly, Nick Errato, Christiana Brown, Teri Rich, Jon Heath , Jackie Tyner, Michael Tyner, and Adam Koehler.

Here are some other prayer requests we would love for you to lift up during our time there:
1) Safety-there are some elections going on during the first few days of our trip and the US Embassy has told us we are not allowed to leave the Missions Base during this time, as there will be rioting regardless of who wins.
2) Power Of The Holy Spirit-we know that we can not do ANY of this on our own! Please pray the Holy Spirit will lead us the entire time, giving us the words to speak in every situation we encounter.
3) The People of El Salvador-that their lives will be changed and they will accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior!
4) Energy and good health-that we can work enthusiastically for the LORD!
5) Families-for our families back in the US, that they will be protected and safe while we are gone.

As of now, here is our tentavive schedule:
Saturday, Jan. 17th -Arrive in El Salvador, fellowship & Volcano visit
Sunday, Jan. 18th - Work around the mission base due to the elections, prepare for villages
Monday, Jan. 19th- Work around the mission base due to the elections, prepare for villages
Tuesday, Jan. 20th-medical clinics, soccer/vbs in villages
Wednesday, Jan. 21st-medical clinics, soccer/vbs in villages, church service
Thursday, Jan. 22nd-medical clinics, soccer/vbs in villages
Friday, Jan. 23rd-medical clinics, soccer/vbs in villages
Saturday, Jan. 24th-TBD
Sunday, Jan. 25th-head back to the States

*Along with the schedule, we may also have time to visit orphnages and a girls prison

Thanks again for all your prayers and support, and we hope to update you soon!

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