We've gone out and about into the far villages of the Tete province of Mozambique. Some of the villages in the hills that we've visited have no church near them, and in fact they've never heard of Jesus. Those are the unreached, who live in fear of witch doctors and evil spirits tormenting their lives. They wear amulets and charms to ward away the bad dreams and curses that haunt their lives.
When Wheresoever Ministries does an outreach, it is carefully planned so that the people don't just hear about Jesus, but so that there is a pastor ready to disciple them once they have found freedom in Jesus. We go into the village, setup music and lights - that draws the village as they have no light after dark except campfires. We play music and dance and have fun, then we share the Good News of the King of Kings, who drives out evil spirits and heals the sick. We often pray for people for healing - and have seen the deaf, blind, and lame healed and even some cured of AIDS, which strongly affects this nation. Thousands have heard the Gospel and received Jesus in this way.
Other villages have churches and pastors and are growing in their faith - these are the reached. They have found freedom from fear - even witch doctors are coming to Jesus and are burning all their amulets and charms. These villages are being encouraged by Wheresoever Ministries as they offer Bible teaching to the church pastors and leaders. Most of these pastors have no formal training at all, and may even have difficulty reading the Bible. The seminars that Wheresoever hosts are like fountains of knowledge and encouragement to these men and women who are serving God.
We are blessed to be a part of such a great ministry that is reaching the lost and making disciples of many nations, just as Jesus commanded. Please continue in prayer for us and Wheresoever Ministries so that the enemy won't be able to overcome the Christians here, but that a foundation of Jesus will be laid where there was no spiritual foundation before.